
Elf on the Shelf mischief: Day 17 Barbershop

While the Daddy’s away, the elves will play. Daddy left town for a couple of days and while he was gone, our elf on a shelf  Chintz and Jewel got into his grooming tools. I’m not sure that Jewel has received her cosmetology certification, but she’s...
Elf on a Shelf mischief: Day 10 Show Me The Money

Elf on a Shelf mischief: Day 10 Show Me The Money

Me: Hey, look at the pink on that car.  (While pointing at a black custom Camaro with pink trim) Do you like it?PC: No, I want a pink one like in your picture when I grow up. Can I have a pink one when I grow up?Me: I’ll have to make a lot more money if you’re going...
Elf on a Shelf Mischief: Day 8 Gingerbread House

Elf on a Shelf Mischief: Day 8 Gingerbread House

Those Elf on a Shelf are such busy little elves. I wish they’d clean my house at night instead of building their own gingerbread house. They raided our candy stash and had Nerds and Smarties, and sprinkles, JOTS and mini-M&M’s everywhere. It’s a...

Elf on a Shelf mischief: Day 6 Magnet Madness

“You’d better go clean up the mess your elves made.” The Cupcake was up and as with every morning in December, eager to find her Elf on a Shelf and their latest antics. Off she went to the kitchen, only to find that those elves had tossed everything...
Elf on a Shelf Mischief: Day 4 Balloon Ball Pit

Elf on a Shelf Mischief: Day 4 Balloon Ball Pit

Jewel, our girl elf on a shelf, certainly has her work cut out for her with her reports back to Santa. While Beaureguarde (neurotic boy pug) was an angel yesterday– as far as we can tell–  Beignet (littlest girl pug) is oh, so, caught-redhanded guilty of...