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Big Nintendo DS video games give-away!

Cruising at 30,000 feet and I have reaffirmed my appreciation for video games for the Cupcake. Today we will not be concerned with allocated amounts of “screen time,” and the other passengers can thank me later.

Actually, I have always been a proponent of all things digital. A gadget girl at heart, I am thrilled that the Cupcake’s education is founded in a classroom of iPads, smart boards and YouTube ABC songs. Kids these days have to be well, (just to show my age) it used to be “plugged in” but now I guess it’s “wifi-enabled.” To not be digitally literate simply means being left behind.

I heart video games. Love, love, love them! It’s no surprise that I recently attended the Activision Games for Girls Summit where the editor of Techlicious Suzanne Kantra was presenting some compelling research findings in favor of our teeny tiny game masters.

Did you know:

  • 90% of kids age 2-17 play video games.
  • A study out of Michigan State showed that children who play video games are more creative.
  • Playing games improves spatial skills, faster reaction times, increases hand-eye coordination and hones the ability to divide and switch attention.
  • Games provide satisfying work, real hope for success and strong social connections.
  • We trust and like someone after they’ve played a game together. Kids who play video games together and teach each another how to accomplish tasks are then more likely to help each other in real life.
  • Video games help develop problem-solving skills as the player is offered new tasks and challenges. Being pushed to the maximum over and over replicates real life scenarios – ultimately helping with reasoning and problem solving.
  • Playing video games means losing roughly 80% of the time – so kids who are playing games actually develop a pattern of learning how to achieve success from failure through the intrinsic rewards that the game provides.
  • Video games build self-esteem as kids master each skill level.

If there’s a science to a winning formula of entertainment and skill development, the Activision programmers have got their finger on the joystick of a gamer’s heart. It’s no wonder they are the #1 provider of kids games by third party publishers. They make sure each game goes through 12 months of rigorous development before it ever hits the market.

Our summit tables were covered with the fresh releases of these six Nintendo DS games for girls, appropriate for ages roughly 4 – 8:

lalaloopsy nintendo ds

  • Lalaloopsy – Play as your favorite Lalaloopsy doll as they make cookies, grow flowers, make and give crafts and care for your adorable pets. Bonus Mini Lalaloopsy included! (The Cupcake would LOVE Lalaloopsy!)
MoshiMonsters Nintendo DS giveaway
  • Moshi Monsters: Search for 52 wild and wacky Moshlings, play crazy mini-games to keep your moshlings happy and healthy, win trophies and awards by wowing the Moshi judges. Be sure to visit the Moshling Zoo – fastest growing online community for kids.
Squinkies2 Nintendo DS giveaway
  • Squinkies 2: Adventure Mall Surprise! – Join the Squinkies for a whole new adventure while they go shopping, visit the food court and ride the rides. There are over 600 lovably cute and squishy Squinkies and over 50 playable ones. Includes extra-rare 3-piece toy set inside. (We used Squinkies for potty training – excellent!)
wappy dog nintendo ds giveaway
  • Wappy Dog  – Nuture, care for and play games with your very own interactive puppy (included). Wappy’s cheeks change color with every mood, customize the look of your Wappy Dog, play games with or against Wappy, groom and feed Wappy, or amuse Wappy with toys. (My pugs will be so jealous.)
zhuzhu babies nintendo ds giveaway
  • Zhu Zhu Babies – Care and nuture your 11 different Zhu Zhu babies and travel across three levels.
zoobles nintendo ds giveaway
  • Zoobles – Care for your Zoobles, explore 6 whimsical worlds, and play as 18 adorable Zoobles. Includes Bonus Exclusive Zooble!

Our preview of each game’s well-balanced combination of nurturing and technique created specifically to hone our little monsters’ fine motor skills made me want to be a kid again. And let’s be honest, the interactivity of that Wappy dog is just a mind-bending window to the future.

I was salivating to get my hands on these little nuggets of fun just to take a turn – especially that Lalaloopsy one. Little did I know that we had a gigantuan bubble gum pink bag filled with all these titles AND matching toys to take home! Stunned, I wiped out most of my Christmas list for the munchin while noshing on a turkey wrap. #winning! All Santa needs to bring is the Nintendo DS, lol.

Now, now… Don’t be jealous of my little Nintendo windfall because those nice Activision Games ladies gave me extra games to give away on my blog. Aren’t they techno-swell?

So here’s the deal:

I have six goodies up for grabs. In the spirit of the season, I’d like for you to nominate two charities of your choice to donate two of these games with accompanying toys to. The charity(ies) with the most votes will receive the set. Please make it an appropriate placement – i.e, while I believe in the merits of the Peace Corp, I’m not sending these to Eithiopia or someplace else far across the globe. Oh, and remember, these are video games for young girls.

I’ll send two games to the people who nominated the winning charities.

The last 2 games will be sent to completely random readers.

Here’s how to play:

  • Leave a comment below telling me about your favorite video game – either current (Wii? Xbox? Kinect?) or from your childhood, and which game you’d like to have from the above list.
  • You’ll get an extra entry for nominating or voting for a charity in a SEPARATE comment – you must include their website in your comments if you are nominating.
  • You also get an extra entry for commenting/voting on my facebook page or tweeting about this promotion using the hashtag #DSforXmas and a link to this post. Remember to tell me which game you want.

Enter until December 6th at noon CST. I’ll announce winners that evening.

Ho Ho Happy Gaming!

*I reserve final judgment on the charity winners.
** All the above games are rated “E” for everyone, with some having “comic mischief.” Please talk with your children and make them aware of what game rating is appropriate for them. Much as you may teach them only to watch “G” rated movies, introduce the game rating system provided by the ESRB and make sure they know to play the appropriate maturity rated for games as well. More information here. 





  1. Sorry, I just saw the date on this post. LOL!!!

  2. My favorite game is Mario Party on the Nintendo Wii. I would love to have the Moshi Monsters for my daughter. Thanks for the awesome giveaway 🙂

    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  3. I also think St. Jude’s children’s hospital should get one!!! 🙂

  4. I think Children’s hospital should definitely get a special prize!!!

  5. Hi Trista!!! I loved donkey kong and pac man on the atari…ha! I also loved super mario brothers and zelda on the old school nintendo!

  6. My vote are any of the childrens hospital or the Ronald McDonald house. So cool you are doing that!! Great idea!!

  7. My favorite game growing up was The Legends of Zelda

    There are so many great charities that its tough to choose just one! My choice is either Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center or Genesis Women’s Center

  8. I’d like to nominate Wings As Eagles Ministries.

    They do an incredible work serving the needs of the Lakota people in the poverty stricken Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.


  9. My all time favorite game is tetris

  10. Favorite video games from childhood, where do i start! First I loved my Radio Shack TRS-90 computer cause I could play pong. All my other handheld games were awesome, until my brother took them all apart “too see how they worked”. Then pac man, then Frogger!! I would love to be eligible to win the Wappy for my techie (chip off the ol block 7 year old daughter!).

  11. my second vote is for the Ronald McDonald House. I had a childhood friend that spent a lot of time away from her home at a hospital 2 hours away, fighting cancer. Her family was a big supporter of the Ronal McDonald Organization. Rest in Peace Dee Kerns.

  12. My first vote is for Nationwide Childrens Hospital. Both of my kids were admitted upon birth to Children’s hospital and the nurses and the facilities were amazing.

  13. Astroids!

  14. I vote for The Children’s Shriners Burn Institute here in Cincinnati. Very nice of you Trista!

  15. I guess my first comment did not go through. Growing up, I loved pitfall and pacman. Thanks for the chance!

  16. I’m not sure if my last comment went through, I would like to donate it to the Ronald McDonald house. Thanks!

  17. I would like it to go to Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center. Dcac.org

  18. Shared on FB: If I by chance was lucky enough to win…I want my games to go to the hospital as well!

  19. My favorite game is probably Pong, from Atari…I lived on that thing! Second favorite is Mrs. Pac Man


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