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Elf on a Shelf: Day 15 Dreidel

The Cupcake came home from school on Thursday talking about “the spinning top game.” I asked her if it was called Dreidel (YES!) and did she play it? (NO 🙁 )

It just so happened that the next day as I was out last minute shopping for a gift exchange present, they had a set of dreidels at the check out. I had fond memories of playing dreidel each December with my BFF growing up, so I was feeling nostalgic. My friend Debbie is Jewish and I am Christian, but we loved to share each other’s traditions – and would to this day if she didn’t live so dang far away! The Cupcake doesn’t have any Jewish friends (that I’m aware of anyway) but I thought she might enjoy playing dreidel so I got them.

No surprise, she did. The game is so super simple and the spinning helps with her dexterity.

She would have loved it more if that had those chocolate coins at the check-out too, but they didn’t so we played with dried beans. (Bleh – Not nearly as fun.)

Which the puggies got into the 2 lb bag of when we walked next door to the neighbor’s house. And thew them all over the kitchen. And ate I don’t want to know how many. (Really not fun picking those up off the floor, and you should see the “presents” the puggies left in the yard…)

The Cupcake had a great time snitching on the puggies to Jewel.

The Elf on a Shelf must have gotten curious because that night when they flew back from Santa, they were playing dreidel with some poker chips.

elf on a shelf dreidel

Clearly Jewel is the dreidel expert – she’s got this game locked up. Go girl.

elf winning dreidel


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