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Elf on a Shelf Mischief: Day 8 Gingerbread House

Those Elf on a Shelf are such busy little elves. I wish they’d clean my house at night instead of building their own gingerbread house. They raided our candy stash and had Nerds and Smarties, and sprinkles, JOTS and mini-M&M’s everywhere. It’s a good thing they sat with the gingerbread house all day because those puggies thought all that candy and those cookies smelled pretty good. In fact, I’m not sure who was watching who more on Saturday…. the puggies watching the Elf on a Shelf— just waiting for their opportunity with a dropped piece of candy, or the Elves watching the puggies misbehave and try to sneak up on the table…

Gingerbread house Elf on a Shelf

Good thing the elves had on aprons because those crafty Elf on a Shelf even made icing bags. Seriously. Where do they find the time to do all this???

Gingerbread house Elf on a Shelf

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